Multimoney - App Refresh

Getting familiar with the App

As part of my journey in the company Grupo Gente, I had the opportunity to support the UX team with the visual implementation of a refresh for the Multimoney app.

Multimoney is a financial app where users are able to request easy and fast credit, create an investment account and buy cripto through a third party mediator.

At the time, the current version of the app was visually outdated and haven't received any attention in terms of UI in a long time. That was a challenge but at the same time it was an opportunity.

Multimoney Previous visual state
Desktop mockup

My first intervention to the app was adding some animation to the already existing, but static illustrations from the onboarding screens. I created those in After Effects and uploaded into Lottie Files to make it easier for developers to insert.

Desktop mockup
Onboarding animations

At the same time this animations were taking place, I was also creating a refresh on the look and feel for multiple email designs that were supposed to be used as part of an upcoming digital remake. Those specific redesigns were a bit limited since those were supposed to maintain the current branding guidelines.

Icon pixel grid
Icon pixel grid
Icon pixel grid
Icon pixel grid

App Redesign

A few months after delivering those visuals, I received word that the UX team was going to redesign the whole app experience. In this case we were able to visually refresh the app, but had to maintain the same colors of the current version.

At the time, the current branding palette looked something like this:

Desktop mockup

We were allowed to add new colors in order to keep things accessible.
From there, I decided to test some color palettes and apply it to what I think could be a visual representation of a generic finance app.

From this exercises I was able to test the waters with the team and gather information of a possible visual direction of preference. This tests didn't have any context in terms of content. I just wanted to get visual impressions and start the conversation in terms of direction.

Desktop mockup

This exploration opened a conversation around preferences and implementation of cards, iconography and imagery that could support messaging and distribution of visual hierarchy for what could be the most important features for the users and the interests from stakeholders. And again... the intention of this exploration wasn't to get approval. The intention was to start a conversation and clarify consensus from the team about a possible direction in terms of visuals.

This lead to multiple explorations that helped me to understand the possibility of implementing 3D images to support written content. Also, the predominance of the color blue had to be implemented in order to follow consistency from the previous version of the app and branding. This was the first wireframe I received and the visuals I presented back:

Desktop mockup

From this point of the project, I started delivering creatives based on direction from the UX team that had already been advancing their research-based explorations. For this new round the UX team proposed a grid composed by boxes in which the main information from each product acquired by the user will be displayed.

Desktop mockup

For this last exploration I was able to implement 3D graphics from a library in order to speed things up. The idea was to combine hands with specific action that users could relate to. Part of the feedback for this last versions was about the concern around the quantity of color that was creating a imbalance right at the center of the screen in relation the the top and bottom section of the screen.

At the same time it was also recommended to update the card formation at the center to just display mostly horizontal cards to make it easier for the development team.

These screens represent some of the multiple variations of the Home screen where the user had acquired all the products and those are presented in multiple states based on user interactions:

Desktop mockup

From here we were given a green light to start creating internal pages that consist on the breakdown of the main services that the company behind the app offered. Those were credit, investment and crypto.

These screens are a small representation of the look and feel proposed for the internal screens:

Desktop mockup
Desktop mockup

This was a very challenging project because while all this screens were being created, I had to produce and maintain a System Library that was feeding the screens in record time. At the end, the project didn't saw the light, but I'm very proud of the results and had the chance to learn a lot around the fintech industry within Central America.

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